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Animated Doc: Ask
An animated documentary using Adobe Premier, AfterEffects, Photoshop and Animate. Uncovers the insides of The New School Encampment. Delves into the reasons why students protest.
Animation: School to Prison Pipeline
I illustrated, animated and compiled the research for a short-form video on the School to Prison Pipeline for my Origins and Spirituality of BLM class. I utilized Illustrator and PremierePro.
Children's Book: My Worth
I Illustrated and authored a children's book version of my essay "My Worth", detailing about the history of Philippine and American economics from a first generation perspective. I utilized Illustrator, Indesign, and book-binding skills.
Gifs: shortform animation
I utilized DragonFrame, Premiere Pro, and AfterEffects to make various short-form animations for class; from stop-motion to character-design to motion graphics.
I experiment with watercolor, pen, marker, paint, and collage to create meaningful illustrations about introspection
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